Policies & Procedures

Drop Off

I give a 10 minute grace period at the beginning of your scheduled appointment time for drop off. (Example, your appointment is at 9am, you can drop off until 9:10am). I will send a text checking in 5 minutes past your start time, and a reschedule request after the 10 minute grace window.

IF YOU ARE RUNNING BEHIND, please call or text. I can be very accommodating with proper communication. I schedule the day to limit dog stress, proper work flow, and with my clients time in mind; please be mindful of this when arriving behind to your appointment. The later a dog is dropped off, the later their groom will be completed.

Pick Up

I strive to provide a low stress environment for every client that comes into the salon. I found the best way to achieve this is to provide capacity for 1-2 dogs at a time. I schedule the day accordingly to accommodate as many pets as I can while staying at low capacity. In order to maintain proper work flow I ask that you pick up your dog promptly after their groom is completed.

Please try to pick them up within the hour of receiving your 30 minute heads up text ( ex. If you receive the text at 10:30am, have them picked up by 11:30am.) Depending on your dog’s size and coat, it can take between 1-3 hours to complete your service. If you need me to hold your dog for longer than one hour, please let me know as far IN ADVANCE as possible.


The universe can be a little crazy, and life happens. I ask that you give me 24 hours heads up if you need to cancel and reschedule your appointment. Cancelling within 24 hours results in a 50% fee. First time is waived, after that it is required before rescheduling. If you’ve never seen me for a service and got a final price, no charge is due. After two cancellations prior to servicing will result in being referred out.

PLEASE please please avoid no call no shows. They are documented on your client card. After 2 no shows you will be referred out to another local groomer.


It comes HIGHLY recommended that all dog breeds be groomed every 4-6 weeks. Some haircuts/ coat types may require more frequent maintenance.

More than 8 weeks between grooming appointments may result in higher cost AND shaving (matted) due to going PAST the recommended grooming schedule.

Matting can happen to any dog that has hair long enough to mat. Most longer haired dogs require brushing at least 3x a week to maintain a healthy mat free coat. Some localized matting (ie only on ears or tail, spot matting in legs or face) is able to be worked out with thinning shears, dematting rakes, combs, slicker brushes, and detangling spray.. however some matting is much too severe.

Matting that covers the majority of the dog, will result in a much lower haircut. How short I may have to go is depending on how tight/ close to the skin the matting is.


For your pets safety and mine, I do require rabies vaccination be up to date and strongly encourage bordatella (kennel cough) vaccine as well. I do use veterinary grade disinfectant and try to keep no more than 2 dogs in the salon at to limit illnesses. If your dog requires special needs please let me know AHEAD of drop off at time of scheduling.

Health & Behavioral

As another precaution I ask that you inform me of any medical conditions, medical concerns, and medications at drop off to properly know how to handle your dogs needs. Let’s be honest, we all get cranky when we don’t feel good so can’t we blame them. The more information I have the more prepared I can be in case of emergency.

You will be turned away if your dog is actively contagious with an illness, an open wound, or diarrhea.

Every dog comes with unique personalities and different temperaments. If your dog is showing signs of aggression (excessive growling / snarling, more than 2 attempts of biting, and biting resulting in skin contact) may result in the groom being called for the day for reassessment.

Such behavior may require safety tools such as a groomers helper, e-cones, and muzzles being implicated. I limit the use of muzzles as they are the most restrictive to breathing to less than 20 minutes in total on your pet.

Other things that may happen during your pet’s groom that would result in it being called for reassessment include:

  • -medical emergencies (excessive vomiting, passing out, seizures, heart attacks, injury, unresponsive)

  • -showing more than 2 signs of critical stress (excessive urinating/defecation, distended abdomen, unregulated breathing, sudden inability to stand, gator rolling and trying to escape equipment to point to self harm)

  • -severe inclement weather during appointment that are causing severe stress (thunder/ lighting storms/ hail)

If your pet’s service is called for behavior / safety concerns, you will be charged for the amount of the service completed. Example, if you are scheduled for a full groom and bath but only a bath is completed, you will only be charged for a bath. If your dog is injured by a groomer, the groom cost is null in void.

If at drop off your dog is showing signs of medical or behavioral concern unbeknownst to owner/drop off person resulting in the groom being rescheduled, there will not be charged a fee.

Payment & Refunds

I accept cash, card, check, and Venmo.

Checks made out to Lorelei Lent.

I want to assure every client is a satisfied one. If you are unhappy with your groom, I will fix the groom free of charge within 5 days following your appointment. Any fixes between 5-14 days will result in a $15 bath fee, as a fix on a dirty dog never comes out right. If it has been after the 14 days I will refund. Two refunds will result in referral to another groomer who might be a better fit.